- Electronic components and Maple wood (50 x 50 x 50 mm) "The Slow Game project draws on the practice of playing Chess with a remote opponent in which people would literally send their next move through paper correspondence via the post as inspiration for design. This activity required players to live with their chessboards over long periods of time as they contemplated what their next move might be. In this project, we apply a slow interaction framing on a tangible interactive game that enforces a very low frequency of interaction: one move a day. The game exists as a small 5cm cube, with a low resolution display consisting of 64 tiny white lights. The game is based on the classic video game ‘snake’, where the player manoeuvres a line which grows in length, with the line itself being a primary obstacle. The game is played by physically rotating the cube, which turns the direction that the snake moves. By reducing the feedback loop to a frequency of a day, Slow Game radically challenges our memory, observation, and patience." - From Will Odom's website willodom.com This project is in collaboration with Ishac Bertran, Garnet Hertz, Ron Wakkary, Will Odom and students at Simon Fraser University (SFU) and Emily Carr University of Art + Design (ECUAD) including Henry Lin (SFU), Sam Beck (ECUAD), and Perry Tan (SFU).